The OLCC is requesting feedback for a task force that will shape a future beer tax. If you live in Oregon and care about Oregon beer--especially if you own a brewery--send them your thoughts. Find out more at the link.
Read MoreThe Rose City Fresh Hops Fest, which Celebrate Oregon Beer was co-sponsoring with TrueWest, has been canceled. All is not lost, however! The Fresh Hop Pop-Up is in the midst of its ninth annual run at food cart pod at Prost Portland.
Read MoreOne of the big fights of the 2025 legislature is already heating up: whether to make Oregon's beer tax by far the highest in the nation. Unfortunately, we may not have an honest discussion about what that actually means.
Read MoreA rivalry is developing in the world of fresh hop beer. Proponent of one team believe the best character comes from use on the cold side, others on the hot side. It's time to get to the bottom of the debate.
Read MoreTwo recent news items point to a phenomenon that will reshape the beer industry over the next decade. Call it the reset, when the perceived value of breweries comes in line with their actual sales.
Read MoreIf you found a new organization to promote Oregon beer, you gotta throw a party, am I right? Later this month, Celebrate Oregon Beer is delighted to partner with TrueWest on the Rose City Fresh Hops Fest.
Read MoreHard hop water? Have we gone through the looking glass here? No: Great Notion's latest offering works because it’s flavored solely by Citra and Mosaic hops. It’s bright, effervescent, dry, and lightly hop-scented. What’s not to like?
Read MoreTilray may not be the cuddly, half-baked owner 10 Barrel thought it was getting when the cannabis firm took ownership from Anheuser-Busch last year. Today we learned Tilray had fired 10 Barrel's entire, award-winning innovation brewing team.
Read MoreDecades ago, in a very different world, we called the beer made by small breweries "craft." It seemed to reflect the reality we saw in the marketplace. Thirty years on, it creates more confusion than clarity.
Read MoreA heartfelt thanks on Labor Day.
Read MoreYesterday, Andre Meunier broke the news that Ruse would be opening a new location on the same block as Breakside Slabtown. That means that the four most hops-focused breweries in the city will be linked by a 1.2-mile south by southeast stroll. Let's investigate further.
Read MoreWhat makes a truly unique cultural beer event? It never hurts to have a knight or two, nor a giant copper cauldron bubbling over an open fire. Our researchers have been scouring the world, and these are the five best.
Read MoreMany products are untethered to place. Where was your car built? Where did that orange come from? No one cares. But in beer, “local” still matters. The question is, how near or far can you push the concept?
Read MoreFor their 12th anniversary, pFriem and I collaborated on a cool obscure style, the Czech amber lager. The brewery's version is an authentic one, but instead of appealing to drinkers who like sweeter palates, this one is all about "adult flavor."
Read MoreTilray, the erstwhile cannabis company that has jumped into beer, announced it was acquiring four more breweries from Molson Coors yesterday. In a rough economy for breweries, is this crazy like a fox or just plain crazy?
Read MoreFH Steinbart, the 106-year-old Portland institution, has been sold. This should ensure that the nation’s oldest homebrew shop will carry on for years to come.
Read MoreNationwide, all but one state has a legal driving limit of .08% blood alcohol content. The final state, Utah, changed its laws six years ago, dropping the level to .05%. Is it time for the rest of the country to follow?
Read MoreI am compiling a database of breweries in Oregon for a website that will launch soon. It needs to be up-to-date and comprehensive, which means I’ve been poring through websites and social media accounts to find out which breweries still exist. The result? A lot fewer than I expected.
Read MorePeople are very fond of “authentic” things. Brands seen as authentic enjoy financial reward. But is authenticity a fixed quality a brewery can strive to attain, or a fickle substance as fleeting as smoke on a windy day?
Read MoreOne of the great artifacts of brewing culture was saved from history’s dustbin when Chobani founder Hamdi Ulukaya bought Anchor recently. If you had Chobani money, which other important breweries would you save? Our researchers have investigated hte question and have a definitive list.
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