A Thanks on Labor Day


Did you know that right now people are harvesting hops? I can say that with confidence because during harvest season, they work around the clock. Did you know that a full keg of beer weighs 162 pounds? Brewers haul them around on the regular. Distributors haul kegs, too, and sometimes bar workers have to move them, as well. Every day brewers deal with hot liquids, caustic cleaning solutions (called caustic!), heavy objects, and wet floors.

Brewery-workers may have it the worst, but selling beer is no picnic, nor trying to market beer in a totally fragmented media landscape, nor totting up balance sheets, what with the extra government reporting and extra taxes required. Hop and barley-growing, shepherding and delivering beer, smiling at customers who are treating you badly—none of this is easy.

So, very briefly on this Labor Day Monday, let me express my gratitude. I see you. I know how hard it is, and I know most of you do it for modest wages. I appreciate your care and attention, the pride you take every step along the way. Finding an excellent beer served fresh in a clean, honest 16-ounce glass has never been as easy as it is today. That’s because a fleet of professionals are out there busting their asses.

You’re awesome—thanks for all you do!

Jeff Alworth1 Comment