Sad Trombone - Rose City Fresh Hops Fest Canceled


Well, this sucks. The Rose City Fresh Hops Fest, which Celebrate Oregon Beer was co-sponsoring with TrueWest, has been canceled. We definitely got a late start and while TrueWest did a great job advertising the event, we weren’t much help this year (website coming online soon!). We weren’t able to generate enough advance ticket sales, so it was looking like a risky venture.

All is not lost, however! The Fresh Hop Pop-Up is in the midst of its ninth annual run at food cart pod at Prost Portland. Each day of the event’s run focuses on a different style or region—today it’s a Bend showcase. It is a wonderful event with an excellent selection, so if you’re suffering fresh hop FOMO, fear not—the Pop-Up has you covered.

Sorry to have to make this painful announcement, but it’s a learning experience. Just look out for 2025!

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