Postscript: Full Sail RiverPlace

We learned today that a Portland institution was closing down: McCormick and Schmick’s RiverPlace restaurant. It was once the toast of the town, featuring the best view in the city. It was also the home of Full Sail’s Portland outpost, an important formative location in creating Portland’s beer scene.

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Jeff Alworth Comments
Asbestos and Beer

“I was common practice to take the beer that had splashed into a bucket below the hand pump at the end of the day, add a slurry of asbestos and then run them through a filter. The asbestos-filtered “slops” were then served to the first customers into the pub the next day.”

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Jeff Alworth Comments
Celebrate Oregon Beer

Oregon is one of the most interesting and important beer regions in the United States, but you wouldn’t know it if you did a web search. No one does a very good job of telling the Oregon story. Until now. I’m excited to announce a new project to promote Oregon beer.

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Wait, How Old Is Your Brewery?

Dating breweries, like counting them, is an act of interpretation. Once a brewery’s age passes into the centuries, interruptions are certain. Sometimes breweries take advantage of those gaps to push their founding date backward. So let’s take the most famous date of all, Weihenstephan and 1040 CE.

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A Drinking Life: Invisible Gods

I’ve written about beer over the course of something like three million words and 27 years. Almost never in that time have I considered the role beer has played in my own life. Yet there it was, from adolescence forward, through periods when it never seemed to be center frame.

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Think PiecesJeff Alworth