Posts in History
Beer 2050

Today we travel to a time where cars sail overhead and money has lost all meaning as we luxuriate in worlds of leisure. And beer? The year is 2050, and if you want to know what beer looks like, click on through.

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Addendum: Antoine Joseph Santerre

One of the most interesting historical figures in all of brewing history is Antoine Joseph Santerre, a Parisian brewer in the latter decades of the 18th century. He came from a line of brewers, married a brewer’s daughter, and bought a brewery with his brother. He is far more famous for his politics, however.

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Art Larrance, 1944-2024

Art Larrance, the founder of Portland Brewing and the Oregon Brewers Festival in the 1980s and the Raccoon Lodge and Cascade Brewing in the 1990s and 2000s, died over the weekend. He left a large legacy and helped create the culture that defines the state.

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HistoryJeff Alworth
Wait, How Old Is Your Brewery?

Dating breweries, like counting them, is an act of interpretation. Once a brewery’s age passes into the centuries, interruptions are certain. Sometimes breweries take advantage of those gaps to push their founding date backward. So let’s take the most famous date of all, Weihenstephan and 1040 CE.

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Number of the Day: 46%

An old document on my hard drive from the Oregon Brewers Guild contains a list of all the breweries active in Oregon around the turn of the 21st century. Slightly less than half are still around—but compared to regular US businesses, that’s really good.

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Brewing Pioneers: Suzy Denison

Although it only survived six years, New Albion Brewing earned its place in American history by ushering in the era of craft brewing. One of the founders, Jack McAuliffe, has been celebrated for his groundbreaking venture. But it wouldn’t have been possible with his brewing and business partner, Suzy Denison. Here’s her story.

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HistoryJeff Alworth