The Year in Pictures
Yesterday, with the traditional stocking-stuffer from Sally.
Thirty years ago, I invested a small fortune in an Apple laptop that had a docking station and doubled as a desktop computer. It featured 16 shades of gray for exceptional computing clarity. Had you asked that Jeff what magic he would experience in the technology of 2023, I think he would have guessed flying cars and death by errant post-Soviet nukes. He definitely wouldn’t have guessed that we’d have little computers in our pockets that take exceptional photos and video that could be shared live, like some kind of futuristic peer-to-peer television. Yet here we are, and here I am with a pocketful of pictures.
Twenty-three was a nice year of domestic travel for me, and I got to tour breweries in towns as far apart as Kona, Hawaii and Biddeford, Maine, with stops in Chicago and Oklahoma along the way. Hops were also a huge theme, starting well before the usual hop times (but extending to then as well). You have read my reflections, but let me silence my voice now and let the pictures (with some descriptions) do the talking.
Snow brings the Portland out in Portland.
Good for #SnowDrinking
In between snow storms I visited the Big Island.
Cacao bean, pre-fermentation.
One of the two Kona Breweries. (The best one.)
More #SnowDrinking!
But eventually, Spring arrived in the Rose City.
All the world's hop germplasm in Corvallis.
Dr. Nahla Bassil and Dr. Shaun Clare
The steaming coolship at De Garde in Tillamook
De Garde
Candy sour at Heirloom in Oklahoma City.
The Big Friendly’s mobile pub.
Jake Keyes of Skydance Brewing (OKC)
Marshall Brewing in Tulsa
Legendary Tyler Brown of Barley Brown’s (Baker City, OR)
Oregon hop-grower Gayle Goschie
Hop kiln at Coleman Farms.
More Coleman
Coleman fields
With podcast co-host Patrick Emerson.
USDA hop breeder John Henning interviewed by me and OPB.
Nitrogen-freezing hops at Breakside
Dave Selden at his letterpress.
Flying over Seattle en route to Chicago
The new Guinness Chicago.
Selfie with Ukrainian writer Lana Svitankova
Rich Bloomfield of Chicago’s Funkytown
Javier and Jose Lopez of Chicago’s Casa Humilde
Guinness Chicago brewer Megan Schwarz
Last call at Ecliptic Brewing. A Cappella Porter, natch.
Big Steel at Jack’s Abby
Jack Hendler of Jack’s Abby
Michael Fava of Sacred Profane (Biddeford, Maine)
Definitive Brewing, Sunday River, Maine
A surprisingly sunny solstice in Portland