Tell Me What Your Brewery is Doing

Folks, I’d love to post some information about how breweries are making beer available directly to customers in this time of pandemic. If you have an Oregon brewery, let me know:

  • How customers can buy beer directly from your brewery. (Dock sales are opaque to almost every customer. Where do they go? How will they pay? What precautions are you taking?)

  • How customers can order beer from you for delivery.

  • What discounts you’re offering to customers buying direct.

  • Any other information you think is valuable. Could be related to products available, package size/type, bottle club info—anything.

  • Contact information for your brewery (location, phone, other).

I will create a post this week with the information I collect and update it throughout this horrible time.

Drinkers: recognize that buying directly from the brewery is a huge boost to their bottom line. Buying from the grocery store is great, but you can inject much more money into a brewery’s budget by buying from them. Sales at the brewery go entirely to the brewery. If you purchase from a store, the proceeds are split in (rougly) thirds, with portions going to the distributor and retailer. Finally, this is a moment to be aware of who owns the brewery you want to support. Breweries owned by big companies will survive this shock. The ma and pa brewery down the street is going to have a lot harder time doing so. Spend your dollars wisely.

This is by far the best way to keep the mash tuns mashing and the brewers working. And as community service goes, it’s pretty darn easy.

Jeff Alworth3 Comments