While Watching the Oscars, Have a Heisler

Today we have that alt Superbowl known as the Oscars, and for you movie buffs, I have a beery recommendation: Heisler Gold Ale. "Brewed with a variety of specialty malts, including chocolate and Munich"--you're familiar with it, right? Have a look to jog your memory:

Can you remember where it's from? Indiana? Pennsylvania? How about Hollywood. Heisler is a prop beer made by ISS and regularly seen on TV (My Name is Earl, Dollhouse, the Shield, many more) and in movies (The Rainmaker, Superbad, Training Day). Visually, it scans very nicely--suggesting everything from a traditional American brand to a faux micro to a micro. It simultaneously feels familiar and new--probably the definition of a good prop. Beer geeks antennae might start waggling if they could see the style or read the ingredients (it's hard to imagine anything gold-colored having both Munich and chocolate malts), but hey, it's pretty close.

In case a gold ale doesn't float your boat, you might prefer these other brands:

Haberkern (named for the propmaker, Christina Haberkern)


Brockman (purportedly a dark lager, but note the color of the liquid)

Whatever you're drinking, happy watching. (And although it won't win, Winter's Bone was the best picture nominated this year.)
Jeff AlworthrandomComment