GQ Lauds Double Mountain
With a hat tip to the Beer Goddess, I offer you a link to another "best of" list. I'm constantly railing against these things as fools' errands, but in this case, it's worth noting that they only selected two non-bottled beer, and one was Double Mountain's Irish Stout.
(An odd choice, given its rarity, but who's arguing?) The list includes international beers regularly available in the US and has a lot of the great hits: Saison Dupont, Orval, Rodenbach, Westvleteren Abt 12, Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier, Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout, etc. They threw in a number of well-regarded American brews, and actually mixed things up a bit. The list tilts heavily toward Belgian-style beers (many brewed here). You always can have beefs with these things, but as lists go, it's fine. This is what they said about the beer:
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Why do we import Guinness when we have this right here? Brewed in Oregon, this has that creaminess you love in Guinness, but with real flavor—pleasantly roasty, with a hint of dark-chocolate bitterness.That they decided to single out Double Mountain indicates that its reputation for good beer is growing. Oregon got pretty well stiffed--Rogue was the only other brewery making the cut. But congrats to Double Mountain. This is actually pretty cool. An easier way to scan the list is here.
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