Nice Piece in Oregon Business

In a struggling economy, beer is good for jobs. So says Ben Jacklet, the very good reporter and sometimes craft brewing correspondent for Oregon Business magazine:
Oregon continues to buck the national trend by opening new breweries from the Caldera Brewpub in Ashland to Mt. Emily Alehouse in La Grande and Mutiny Brewing in Joseph. The market for craft beer in Oregon is four times as strong as the national average, boosting an industry with more than 5,000 jobs. Portland leads the nation in urban brewpubs, with more than 40 and counting. Most other states have experienced a net loss of brewpubs during the recession, but Oregon has gained several dozen including, I am thrilled to report, two soon to open within walking distance of my home.
Mutiny Brewing?

Anyway, a nice read. (Hat tip to the Beersage.)