Fire Your 'Cues

In yesterday's "best bets" post, I totally forgot the really big show this weekend--the Blazers. I am a member of the unwashed masses who will be watching from outside the Rose Garden, but I'll be doing it in style--pre-functioning with friends around a pit of burning meat*, hand cradling a fine ale, bald head testing the intensity of the sun.

I will confess to being stymied on the ale business though. For old-time Blazers fans, this is a moment we've anticipated (somewhat despairingly) for well over a decade. I know we were in the playoffs more recently, but that was the Jail Blazers--and no self-respecting fan found joy in the team. Now we have a crew of fine kids we're proud of, and we finally have a team we can root for in the playoffs. Beer selection for such an event is not to be handled blithely. I think I'm going to go with the beer that captured my fancy yesterday, though--a weisse.

All right Blazers, make us proud!

Update. Oy. Now I need a beer that makes me forget everything that happened in the previous 24 hours.

*As a poor vegetarian, one who is seduced by a plump, barbecued bratwurst, today will be a test.