
1. I did not make it to a Denver pub. I am old and slow and I need my sleep. Hadda get out to Far Auroria each night, which cut down even further on bar-hopping.

2. I did, however, manage to wander into the exclusive Executive Club at Mile High (Invesco) Stadium. I slipped in because I had a floor pass--the highest security clearance for the event, but certainly not Executive Club exclusivity. I wandered in with my Boston hat on and shorts, and because they are used to being obsequious, no one stopped me. Nowhere else in the building was booze available, but that was pretty much all that was available in the Mile High Lounge, or whatever they were calling it. The first bank of taps were all A-B, the second all Coors, and the two nice ones in the middle had the following taps, which I photographed, for your amusement. Let the commentary begin!