Two Doggone Good Events to Note

Two things to put on your calendar.

First, this weekend, the Lucky Lab is hosting its 8th annual Barleywine tasting. Thirty beers from 24 mostly regional, breweries (which means--yes, vertical tastings!). Relevant facts:
Barleywine Tasting
Noon-10 p.m. Friday-Saturday, $1.50 per 4-ounce taster.
Lucky Lab - 915 S.E. Hawthorne
Also, Hair of the Dog brewmaster Alan Sprints is hosting a beer dinner at Jake's on March 11th. Sprints is planning a four-course meal to go along with five beers. You have to call ahead and reserve a place, and they run your credit card when you call, so have it handy. Relevant facts:
Brewmaster Dinner, Sunday, March 11, 6:30 pm
$39.95, includes gratuity
Jake's Famous - 401 SW 12th Ave
(503) 226-1419