In today’s Coronavirus Diary, Alesong Brewing’s Matt Van Wyk gives a report from Lane County, which has been open more than a month. In that time, he’s observed behaviors of both two- and four-legged beasts.
Read MoreIn this diary, Old Town Brewing’s Adam Milne describes the unique difficulties that his restaurant-first brewery faces in a time when government funds have run out and customers have abandoned downtown.
Read MoreWe’re bumping along toward a future we can’t predict in the middle of an angry fight over which road to take. I keep waiting for the picture to clear so we at least understand what needs to be done, but it just keeps getting muddier.
Read MoreIn places that are reopening, tensions abound. “I know some folks who aren’t willing to wear masks have the cavalier attitude: ‘well, I’m not worried about getting sick.’ And that’s fine, but I’m worried about me and my staff, so I’ll keep this mask on and sanitize your picnic table when you leave!”
Read MoreLast Thursday afternoon, Oregon Governor Kate Brown gave the green light for counties in Oregon to reopen businesses in most of the state. Below are accounts from a few breweries about the decisions they made about reopening and why they chose their present course.
Read MoreIt’s been two months to the day since I had a pint of beer in a pub. In that time, alternately feeling like ten years or ten minutes, we’ve inherited a new world.
Read MoreIn the latest edition of the Coronavirus Diaries, Old Town’s Adam Milne tells us how big banks let him down—but a little, local brewery came to the rescue. Meanwhile, Van Havig offers a typically trenchant take on the current situation, along with an update about the second taproom in planning when the virus hit.
Read MoreIn the latest edition of the Coronavirus Diaries, Lisa Allen updates us on Heater Allen (and offers a touching personal aside), Ben Parsons gives great analysis of the Baerlic’s actions of late, and Matt Van Wyk describes the challenges and opportunities at Alesong.
Read More“The decision was easy: get that beer into bottles as soon as possible and get it into the hands of our supporters who would hopefully like to enjoy it. If Rosenstadt had any chance of survival, this would have to be it.” (Tobias Hahn, Rosenstadt)
Read MoreMost of the city’s activity, once focused on commercial hubs, has moved to residential streets. What’s happening with the breweries? I decided to take a tour and have a look.
Read MoreOn Friday, afternoon of April 10, between 2:15 and 3pm, I took a bike ride through the most densely-populated parts of Portland, Oregon, a city of 650,000. This is what things looked like.
Read MoreIn the latest update from Baerlic, Gigantic, Heater Allen, Old Town, and Reverend Nat’s, we hear how things are going with production schedules, home delivery, and government assistance as the ongoing COVID-19 crisis continues.
Read MoreThis week we started to get the first data points on the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The consequences have been uneven, and they begin to suggest big changes may be in store. What will a post-COVID world look like? A picture may be emerging.
Read MoreWe’re trying to decide if it’s better to patronize a business because someone needs a job even though we know many will get sick, or staying home and letting the businesses shutter and forcing the workers fend for their financial lives.
Read MoreIn this ongoing series, I have been posting the reflections of brewers and cidermakers as they deal with the unfolding COVID-19 coronavirus. In today’s post, Van Havig of Gigantic Brewing offers an entertaining and revealing report on how they’re managing.
Read MoreAnother update from folks at Old Town, Baerlic, Heater Allen, Alesong, and Zoiglhaus about how things are going in this time of Coronavirus. And good news: many are hopeful they’ll weather the storm.
Read MoreIn this ongoing series, I have been posting the reflections of brewers and cidermakers as they deal with the unfolding COVID-19 coronavirus. In today’s post, Nat West of Reverend Nat’s offers a report on his new home delivery service.
Read MoreIn the latest diary, Alan Taylor of Zoiglhaus describes the varied impact of the coronavirus on package and draft sales.
Read MoreIn the first of an ongoing series, we hear from brewers who are dealing with the ravages of the Coronavirus outbreak. Today the stories of Lisa Allen (Heater Allen, Van Havig (Gigantic), Adam Milne (Old Town), Ben Parsons (Baerlic), and Matt Van Wyk (Alesong).
Read MoreA week ago I was really worried about how COVID-19 would affect pubs and restaurant business—and the jobs that depended on them. As recently as Friday I was out in the pubs to help out, one pint at a time. Now It seems clear everyone needs to stay at home.
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