Next Fireside Chat: How to Succeed in Beer Without Selling IPAs


I am excited to announce the third in our series of Fireside Chats (TM)*. In case you missed the first two, these are panel discussions you may attend live on Zoom. It seems like people actually prefer watching the videos after the fact—and that’s fine, too! If you are one of those folks who likes to tune in, put this on your calendar:

How to Succeed in Beer Without Selling IPAs
Wednesday, August 9 at 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern
Live on Zoom (link)

In this discussion we’re going to turn to brewers who have decided to take the road less traveled—those Americans who have built breweries by selling something other than IPAs. We want to hear why they chose this path, and what it entails. Because IPAs are overwhelmingly popular among craft beer drinkers, these breweries have had to create interest in other types of beer. How did they do that? We have a lineup of very thoughtful people here, and I am quite a big fan of all of their breweries:

  • Bill Arnott, Founder and Brewer of Seattle’s Machine House Brewing, which focuses on English-style cask ale.

  • Dan Carey, Co-founder and Diploma Master Brewer of New Glarus Brewing in the town of the same name near Madison, Wisconsin. New Glarus is known for many kinds of beers (lagers, wild ales, Spotted Cow), but not IPAs.

  • Alex Ganum, Founder and Brewer at Portland’s Upright Brewing. Alex does make IPAs, but that’s because he makes everything. Upright is known for its flagship pils, barrel-aged wild ales, and lately cask ales.

As always, Breakside’s Ben Edmunds and I host an hour of discussion and then open it up for questions. If you have questions you’d like to ask, come along or send them to me beforehand (email or comment below). Please join us, or, if that’s inconvenient, look for the video when it’s available.

Finally, if you missed past editions, don’t fret! They are available online anytime you’d like to have a gander: How Popular is Craft Lager, Really?, and Setting the Record Straight About How IPAs Came to Be.

* Ha, ha, just kidding, estate of FDR! We place no claim on the name!

Jeff Alworth